Sunday, February 27, 2011

Review: Pokemon Vortex Battle Arena (v1)

(click on image for full-size)

The Vortex Battle Arena is a copycat of the famous Pokemon Crater, which was permanently closed on December 1, 2007. This is not the first copycat version of Crater, but if it sticks around long enough, and the word is spread, the folks who miss Crater may ditch Pk Indigo for Vortex. 

Does Mewtard like this game? 
Yes, I do, and I am looking forward to seeing the complete version. I've been waiting for a good copycat of Crater for nearly 3 years now, and it's nice to have Crater back. 

What aspects of this game does Mewtard dislike?
Now when it comes to it being unoriginal, I'm not going to go there, because the lack of imagination by the creator(s) does not concern me. There's really only one thing I don't like about this game, and that's how slow it can be sometimes. But I'm not going too critical at this point, because it is still in it's beta stage. 

Does Mewtard believe this game will be the #1 Pokemon RPG? 
I think it'll possibly be in 2nd place or in a tie with Pk Indigo. My reason to believe this is because Pk Indigo has a more attractive and colorful site, and more people know about it.